Trademark Registration Process

Trademark Registration Process

We all know that building a brand's identity takes a lot of time, effort, and money. Usually, this involves creating unique symbols like a brand name, logo, slogan, packaging, color combinations, and even sounds.

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WILL: Its Importance and Essentials

WILL: Its Importance and Essentials

Everybody is concerned about the things which mattered to them the most, it can be their family, friends, business or estate and to make themselves satisfactory they try to preserve and save their estate, while they try to provide a better future to their family or loved ones, but what will happen to their family or loved ones after their demise?

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what is Patent Assignment Deed and its Advantages

what is Patent Assignment Deed and its Advantages

It’s an agreement between Assignor and Assignee which explains the rights and conditions related to patent assigned property which means intellectual property of Assignor who is holding monopoly power towards that property. Under Indian law, its mandatory to register Patent Assignment Deed under Section 68 of the Patents Act, 1970 which giving Assignee absolute rights from date of execution of deed.

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Essentials of Lease Agreement

Essentials of Lease Agreement

Renting of a property can become a real headache for the owner if he fails to manage the property as per law while giving on rent. This problem can be avoided through proper Rent/Lease Agreement which safeguards the interest of Landlord as well as the Tenant. This practice of making such Agreements is commonly practiced in most of the western countries but unfortunately in India majority of people are still ignorant about its importance.

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Importance of Non Disclosure Agreement

Importance of Non Disclosure Agreement

Development in trade and commerce also requires the equal protection of rights to the extensive possible extent. A Non-Disclosure Agreement surely does the same by protecting valuable information of any company or individual from being leaked or used against him for the purpose make loss to the primary party or holder of the information. To keep an upper hand, it is essential that an organization must continue working on innovative projects, creative thoughts, and energizing reforms in their business but there’s always an underlying fear that their trade secrets might fall into the hands of their competitor. Similarly, startup companies with a new and profitable idea can only succeed if what their working remains under enfolds. A Non-Disclosure Agreement is a legal document that keeps the cover on such sensitive information. NDA acts as a defender of original ideas or models or any kind of information which is profitable or important to its owner. These agreements might be referred to on the other hand as Confidentiality Agreements (CA), confidentiality statements, or secret clauses, inside a larger authoritative report.

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Arbitration Agreements Explained

Arbitration Agreements Explained

An Arbitration Agreement is a contract by which the parties agree to resolve disputes without filing a suit or case in court.

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Basics of Arbitration Agreement

Basics of Arbitration Agreement

The business world has been progressively hesitant to dispute in courtrooms, that it becomes necessary to resort to the machinery of justice to settle a dispute connected with that contract.

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What is Trademark Licensing?

What is Trademark Licensing?

A trademark is a word, name, symbol which is associated with some goods and services. The purpose of providing symbol of trademark is to distinguish the product of one industry from another. A trademark not only gives the owner exclusive right to use mark but allows the owner to prevent the other to use the similar mark which may lead to a confusion among the general public. A trademark in India is governed by Trademark Act, 1999 and Trademark Rules, 2017.

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