Doctrine of Frustration: Competitive Exam Questions with Concepts Explained!

Doctrine of Frustration: Competitive Exam Questions with Concepts Explained!

Hey, learners! Guess what? We've got a super interesting article for you this time. We're diving specifically into the Contract Act, checking out something called the 'Doctrine of Frustration'. But here's the fun part – we're not going into the super complicated sections of the Indian Contract Act. Instead, we're going to tackle it by answering questions from the CLAT PG 2024.

Continue Reading about 7 months ago
Understanding the Constitutional Bench Judgments of 2023

Understanding the Constitutional Bench Judgments of 2023

2023 saw many Constitutional Bench judgments, with more hits than misses! But the point remains: how good were the good judgments, and what impact would the bad ones leave?

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NCRB Report 2022 Highlights: Crimes in India

NCRB Report 2022 Highlights: Crimes in India

The release of the much-awaited NCRB Report (National Crime Records Bureau) of 2022 revealed some shocking statistics on crime rates in India, looking at which one can't help but question the reality of crime decline in India.

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Does Legal Education help Reduce Crimes?

Does Legal Education help Reduce Crimes?

In India, the issue of crime remains a significant concern, and experts are now looking at legal education as a potential solution. The idea is to introduce fundamental legal concepts and education into high school curriculums to promote a transformative shift in education. This proactive measure is expected to reduce crime rates and protect against victimisation. 

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Should India have compulsory military service?

Should India have compulsory military service?

India's army boasts over 1.4 million active personnel, making it the second-largest in the world and also the world's largest volunteer army. Some Indians believe that compulsory military training and conscription should be implemented, citing countries such as Singapore and South Korea as examples. 

Continue Reading about 7 months ago
Top 10 Current Affairs November 2023

Top 10 Current Affairs November 2023

Being aware of current events can be beneficial for your exam preparations. What if I told you that knowing the top 10 important events of the month of November could be the key to acing your upcoming exams? It's true! While many important events occurred, we have selected a few that could potentially assist you in your following exams. So, let's explore the most intriguing current affairs of the month and see how they could impact your exam preparations.

Continue Reading about 7 months ago
Deepfake Technology: A Growing Threat that Steals your Face

Deepfake Technology: A Growing Threat that Steals your Face

Have you ever wondered if your face or voice could be used without your permission? Imagine a world where someone can create videos that look exactly like you, saying things you've never said. That's the unsettling reality of deepfake technology. In India, even though it's not widespread in politics, there's growing concern about the potential misuse of deepfakes. So, how did we get here, and what can we do to protect ourselves from this digital threat? 

Continue Reading about 8 months ago
Tricks to learn Indian Constitution using Mnemonics

Tricks to learn Indian Constitution using Mnemonics

Mastering the Indian Constitution is crucial for many competitive exams. Every article within its pages carries equal weight, making it a must-know subject. While our previous blog shared some savvy tricks, we're back with a twist! Get ready for a bunch of new tricks- the secret to remembering things effortlessly with innovative mnemonic strategies.🧠

Continue Reading about 8 months ago
Hate Speech: Understanding & Combating it in India

Hate Speech: Understanding & Combating it in India

Have you ever encountered words online or offline that made you uncomfortable? Whether it's online or offline, words can deeply impact us. That's why it's important to talk about hate speech, which is when words are used as weapons to hurt or belittle people because of who they are. Did you know more than one hateful incident happened daily in the first half of 2023? Can you imagine? 

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Tips & Tricks to Learn Important Sections of IPC

Tips & Tricks to Learn Important Sections of IPC

The Indian Penal Code (IPC) is a comprehensive criminal code that serves as the primary legislation governing criminal offences in India. With 511 sections, it can be overwhelming to remember all of them, especially when preparing for competitive exams that test your knowledge of specific sections. 

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M.C. Mehta: The Green Avenger of India

M.C. Mehta: The Green Avenger of India

Meet M.C. Mehta, the "Green Avenger of India." He is an environmentalist who has made a name for himself with his legal expertise and tireless commitment to protecting the environment. M.C. Mehta is a force to be reckoned with in environmental law.

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Is stubble burning a major contributor to Delhi

Is stubble burning a major contributor to Delhi's air pollution?

In recent times, Delhi has gained notoriety for having the most polluted air in the world. The situation aggravates during winter months (October to January) when the air is colder, and particles tend to remain suspended in the air for a longer duration. The primary cause for this is the practice of stubble burning in neighboring states such as Punjab and Haryana. 

Continue Reading about 8 months ago
Odd-Even Rule Returns: Can Delhi find Relief from Pollution?

Odd-Even Rule Returns: Can Delhi find Relief from Pollution?

The government of Delhi is taking measures to combat the deteriorating air quality in the city. The odd-even car rationing scheme will return from 13 November to 20 November, and vehicles will be restricted based on the last digits of their license plates. 

Continue Reading about 8 months ago
Formation of States & UTs in India

Formation of States & UTs in India

The transition of India from a colonial-era picture, comprising British-controlled provinces and princely states under local monarchs, to the integrated nation we see today was a monumental task undertaken between 1947 and 1950. The political map of India in 1947 was quite different as compared to the present one.

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Top 10 October Current Affairs 2023
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Top 10 October Current Affairs 2023

Hey Readers! It's that time of the month when we bring you our monthly current affairs tapping what's hot & happening around the world. October 2023 brought us a month of festivities, but the race for acing exams never stops. To do so, staying in the loop is crucial, and we've got your back. So, we've compiled 10 headline-worthy events that matter in competitive exams.

Continue Reading about 8 months ago
Law of War in International Law

Law of War in International Law

Since the beginning, humans have resorted to violence in cases of disagreements. However, people from around the world felt the need to limit the brutalities of war, and the humanitarian spirit of humans led to the first-ever Geneva Convention of 1864, culminating in the birth of modern humanitarian laws which established the basic limits on how wars can be fought. These universal laws of war protect those not fighting, as well as those who are no longer able to.

Continue Reading about 9 months ago
Lesser known facts on Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
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Lesser known facts on Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, often referred to as the "Iron Man of India," is a significant figure in India's history. Born on October 31, 1875, in Nadiad, Gujarat, his life is a remarkable journey of determination and leadership. Patel's legacy is marked by his crucial role in uniting India's princely states after gaining independence.

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United Nations Organizations

United Nations Organizations

The United Nations, often called the UN, is like a big team of countries trying to keep peace and help each other. They've been around for a long time and have done a lot of important things like one of its agencies called the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) watches over nuclear stuff in nearly 180 countries.

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