Top 12 Indian Merger and Acquisition Deals

Top 12 Indian Merger and Acquisition Deals

Just like Charles Darwin’s theory of ‘Survival of the Fittest,’ only the stronger companies survive in the end. The weak ones cease to exist. Sometimes, they join forces to take on a stronger threat to their existence. Animal Spirits drive the companies, too.

Continue Reading about 5 years ago
Oyo LayOffs: Will this Strategy Help?
Big Shots

Oyo LayOffs: Will this Strategy Help?

Oyo is reportedly laying off 20% of its employees! WIll this move help Oyo's operations?  Can Ritesh Agrawal turnaround Oyo's future with this strategy? Well, Read and find out below.

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Credit Rating Agencies Business Model

Credit Rating Agencies Business Model

If you pick up a business newspaper, you will find the name of at least one of Fitch, Moody, or S&P. In fact, in the recent news associated with Indian slowdown, you would see GDP forecasts by Ind-Ra, ICRA, or CRISIL at least once in every quarter.

Continue Reading about 5 years ago
Amazon and Future Retail Partner Strategically Against Jio Mart

Amazon and Future Retail Partner Strategically Against Jio Mart

Amazon and Future Retail Limited are partnering to collectively take on Jio Mart! What’s the scenario? Read and find out below.

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What is the Recent Jagdish Khattar Case About?
Macro Moves

What is the Recent Jagdish Khattar Case About?

Maruti Suzuki India Ltd has been winning its consumer’s hearts since its inception. However, the former Maruti top executive has definitely disassociated himself with the company’s values by indulging himself in unscrupulous behavior.

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OTT Platforms: Their Revenue Model and Rise

OTT Platforms: Their Revenue Model and Rise

Netflix, Hotstar, or Prime Video. If you have not heard any of these names yet, you might be termed someone from Stone Age by people around you. In the past couple of years, OTT web streaming platforms have gained over-the-top popularity.

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AMUL: The Business Model

AMUL: The Business Model

Anand Milk Union Limited, or AMUL, needs no introduction. Amul has created this name and reputation over the years, delivering quality milk products to the entire country and now the world. People in eatery and restaurant businesses advertise their dishes, conveying that they use Amul products.

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ArcelorMittal Essar Steel Acquisition: All You need to Know

ArcelorMittal Essar Steel Acquisition: All You need to Know

For a very long time, ArcelorMittal, one of the world's largest steel producer, has been waiting for long to gain entry into the Indian Steel Markets.  When the company earlier announced its plans to build an integrated steel plant in Odisha, it was somehow scrapped off.

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Wipro: Success story of Azim Premji
Big Shots

Wipro: Success story of Azim Premji

It has been told and retold to us how the character of human, his attitude towards the problems, and his determination, shapes his future. Then there are few others, whose grit not just transform their own future, but change the lives of many. This is the story of such an Indian entrepreneur, Azim Premji.

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The business model of InfoEdge
Big Shots

The business model of InfoEdge

Much before the start-up boom that we have seen in the last 5 years, there was a dot-com boom two decades back. That period is often associated with the dot-com bubble in the US, but it has its own set of success story.

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How Amazon Became Big: The Growth Story
Big Shots

How Amazon Became Big: The Growth Story

Apple Inc. is often quoted as an example for start-ups, for starting small and growing big. Amazon too follows those footprints. It started in garage of Jeff Bezos, who left his job as Vice President in D.E.Shaw & Co., to become synonymous with e-commerce a decade later.

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7 Essential Elements of an Elevator Pitch

7 Essential Elements of an Elevator Pitch

The wave of Startups has hit the entire world, including India. We often have brilliant business plans, but not enough funds to execute them. Such is the time when we approach investors with a brilliant elevator pitch. But why would the investors invest their funds for our ideas?

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OYO Rooms: What
Big Shots

OYO Rooms: What's up with the Unicorn?

Reportedly, more than 500 hotels have exited Oyo since April 2019. Also, the financial loss for the unicorn in FY19 increased 6 times! What’s up with Oyo?

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Zerodha: A Success Story of Discount Broking
Big Shots

Zerodha: A Success Story of Discount Broking

Do you wonder that even after being a discount broker how does Zerodha make money? In just 9 years how did Zerodha become the largest stockbroker?

Continue Reading about 5 years ago
What is the Impact of UPI on e-wallets?
Macro Moves

What is the Impact of UPI on e-wallets?

Have you been searching for rangoli lately instead of embracing your inner Picasso this Diwali? Were you ‘the responsible kid’ all of a sudden to pay all due bills on time this Diwali?

Continue Reading about 5 years ago
The Toyota-Suzuki Partnership
Big Shots

The Toyota-Suzuki Partnership

The Indian Automobile sector is facing a tough year. Sales of automobiles are at an all-time low. Every individual manufacturer is struggling to make a profit. Further, the rise of Electric vehicle usage has compounded their woes. The alliance between Toyota and Suzuki has garnered quite an interest due to these circumstances. Can they together ride through this economic uncertainty?

Continue Reading about 5 years ago
The Business Model of Paytm
Big Shots

The Business Model of Paytm

Did you ever think that a 'Half cup chai' could be bought through online payment? Being a 90's kid, I still remember the struggle to get the change of a Rs. 500 note to buy my favorite Rs 5 Ice-cream. That excitement of scratching the recharge coupon in the hope of getting some additional benefit.. In 2010 came  a revolution when Vijay Shekhar Sharma launched Paytm.

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Zomato Business Model: Know How Zomato Earn Money
Big Shots

Zomato Business Model: Know How Zomato Earn Money

Are you a foodie? If yes, I’m sure Zomato crosses your mind and pops up on your phone with delicious offers for ‘n’ number of times. I’m also certain that you would’ve wondered how does Zomato make money even after providing such tempting discounts. Isn’t it?

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