What is a Buy Now Pay Later facility?

What is a Buy Now Pay Later facility?

Gone are the days when good financial planning meant ‘no debt’. In this age, borrowing has become an inevitable part of one's life. There could be various necessities for which an individual would want to borrow funds for the long or short term.

Continue Reading about 2 years ago
Junk Bonds: Everything you need to know

Junk Bonds: Everything you need to know

“One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.” Hola, people! I hope you all are doing great. It’s highly likely that your first thought on hearing junk would have been something that doesn’t add value. But what if we told you that sometimes even junk is somewhat valuable? Weird, right? Well, it won’t be after you go through this piece in which we will be discussing everything about junk bonds.

Continue Reading about 2 years ago
Top 5 Debt Free Companies 2023

Top 5 Debt Free Companies 2023

“Instead of focusing on where you can make 500% in the next 6 months, invert that and find situations where you can’t lose over the next few years. The latter is often where you will find the next multi-bagger.”

Continue Reading about 2 years ago
How to check Credit Score & how to get loans with low Credit Score?

How to check Credit Score & how to get loans with low Credit Score?

“Isn't it sad that we have to gain control of the artificial numbers placed upon us by others to regain some control of our lives?”

Continue Reading about 2 years ago
What is Overdraft Facility in Banks?

What is Overdraft Facility in Banks?

What if the ATM kept raining cash? What if you could withdraw more than you have in the bank? As cool as it sounds, it’s not impossible. And they name it - ‘Overdraft’.

Continue Reading about 2 years ago
The Actual Cost of No-cost EMIs

The Actual Cost of No-cost EMIs

“There are no free lunches in the market” The quote says it all! Doesn't it feel odd when we see the phrase "NO COST EMI"? Is something like this really possible? Why would someone distribute free money in the market like this? Eh? take a deep breath because soon you are going to find out the hidden truth. Let us dig deeper into this topic.

Continue Reading about 3 years ago
Everything about Subprime Home Loan Crisis
Macro Moves

Everything about Subprime Home Loan Crisis

Subprime loan crisis Loans have proved to be the critical aspect of any economy. It acts as a bridge leading to the unreachable needs and impossible dreams. The doors of the bank would be the first thing we would be knocking once we run out of options. Whether you wanted to buy a new home or finance your educational goals or any of your need for that matter. But one cannot ignore the fact that the same loan has laid the road to recession in the past. 

Continue Reading about 4 years ago
What is the 100 Minus Age Investment Allocation Rule?

What is the 100 Minus Age Investment Allocation Rule?

We all must be aware that diversification across Equity and Debt is the key to a successful investment. Do you ever wonder as to how can you decide the proportion of your investment in debt and equity?

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What is Debt to Equity Ratio?

What is Debt to Equity Ratio?

It is imperative and a task of paramount importance for an investor to examine the financial performance of a company from every angle before investing a single penny in that company. The true worth of the company can be detected by analyzing its financial ratios.

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