What is Third Party Insurance?

What is Third Party Insurance?

Our morning coffee is frequently accompanied by news of horrific road incidents around the country. While we are bombarded with breaking news and current items on all news outlets, we should take the time to consider why so many people are dying on the roadways.

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What is Paper Trading?
Stock Market

What is Paper Trading?

Whether it’s new entrants or seasoned veterans, one statement that stands equally true for both is, “Practice makes perfect”.

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Best Credit Cards in India for 2023

Best Credit Cards in India for 2023

There are 7.9 billion people in the world with 7.9 billion different sets of wants and needs. While there aren’t enough credit cards to satisfy each person’s tailored needs, there are enough to choose from that could be pretty satisfactory. 

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How to generate Passive Income through Lease Investing
Investor's Psychology

How to generate Passive Income through Lease Investing

Hello readers, do you know how Finology Blog educates you on concepts related to investing, mostly equity investing 😋? But today, we will tell you about a whole new investing avenue we have not covered before. 

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What is Upper Circuit and Lower Circuit?
Stock Market

What is Upper Circuit and Lower Circuit?

The stock markets are a collection of any and all venues where the shares of a publicly-traded company are issued, bought and sold. The parties involved in the stock market include the buyers and sellers of shares. When we think of “buyers and sellers”, most people think of the average Joe from the public that trades or invests in stocks. These people are called retail investors.

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Top 5 mutual funds in India for 2022
Mutual Funds

Top 5 mutual funds in India for 2022

Mutual funds are, without a doubt, an investment opportunity if you want to play safe and want to have a diversified portfolio. While choosing a mutual fund to invest in is easier compared to picking a stock out of thousands of listed companies, it still is a tedious job to select one that fulfils all your financial goals. 

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How to find Multibagger Stocks?
Stock Market

How to find Multibagger Stocks?

“Hypothetically, you only need four multi-baggers in your life and an initial investment of ₹10,000 and you’d be set for the rest of your life.” Yes, I know the ‘Hypothetically’ really dampens the excitement of the idea. But that line sure has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?

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What is a consolidated mutual fund statement?
Stock Market

What is a consolidated mutual fund statement?

Mutual funds are great. It helps you invest in a number of companies at once, it is professionally managed and is less risky than investing in direct equities. It's also a great option if you are looking for diversification.

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Top 5 Thematic Funds to explore
Mutual Funds

Top 5 Thematic Funds to explore

If our portfolio has stocks of Reliance, HDFC, Wipro, Tata etc., we are basically betting on Ambani, Aditya Puri (retired, but still), Azim Premji, and Murthy, respectively. Our risk is evenly distributed and you can very easily guess why. All of these companies operate in different sectors and are mostly, not influenced by one another. 

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What comprises analysis of Financial Statements
Stock Market

What comprises analysis of Financial Statements

You must have heard some statements like, 90% of people lose money in the stock market. Shocking right? More than an average number of people invest in the stock market based on tips, rumours and whatnot. 

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How to Benefit From The Blue Ocean Strategy?
Big Shots

How to Benefit From The Blue Ocean Strategy?

Remember back in 2015, when everyone was rushing to get the “naya 4G wala sim” ? Reliance Telecom had recently launched Jio, and everyone wanted a piece of that action.

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What is Industry Analysis and How to do it
Stock Market

What is Industry Analysis and How to do it

The world of finance is a huge jungle. The ecosystem is dynamic and involves so many things and when it comes to investing, one of the most important steps that should be taken into consideration before we invest in any stock is, Stock Analysis. After all, you should always invest some time in analysing a stock before you invest money in it. In the process of stock analysis, in a broader sense, analysing the industry is a factor that is significant.  

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Top 5 ESG Funds in India

Top 5 ESG Funds in India

A friend of mine turned vegan recently. A couple I know decided to adopt a child to cut down their carbon footprint. A colleague of mine is saving up to buy an EV. And I personally, am inspired by Greta Thunberg and pledged to buy any fashion item only when I am in dire need of one. 

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A Guide to Capital Allocation
Investor's Psychology

A Guide to Capital Allocation

Let’s go on a little nostalgia trip. Remember the cartridges or cassettes you would buy to play various video games? Super Mario Bros. was an all-time favourite and pretty much everyone's introduction to the world of console gaming.

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What is Social Trading?

What is Social Trading?

In an era when people wouldn’t (and probably couldn’t) eat their meals without uploading them on social media, isn’t it fair and about time that the trading community joins in too? What if I tell you such exclusive communities already exist? A community where you could share your portfolio with your friends, analyze portfolios of different stock market experts, and invest your money in those portfolios?  Hua na? FOMO hua na? 

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What is Risk to Reward Ratio?
Stock Market

What is Risk to Reward Ratio?

Ram is in standard 10th and he has his boards coming up. But he spends all of his time playing on his PS3. His parents notice this. They tell Ram that they would buy Ram a new PS5, but there are some conditions attached to it. The first one is that he would have to score above 90 percent on his boards to get the PS5. Just when Ram thought this was a good deal for him, his parents put the second condition in front of him. That, in an event where is unable to score the said percentage, he would have to give up his PS3 as well. 

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Top 5 Technical Indicators for Stock Analysis
Stock Market

Top 5 Technical Indicators for Stock Analysis

As a child, there were rarely any times when I was given full reign of the remote control of the T.V. remote. My parents didn’t want me watching too many “mind-numbing” cartoons, as a result I was either monitored when watching what I liked, or I was watching what most elders think children should learn to watch.

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Is India
Investor's Psychology

Is India's Education System killing its Economy?

As little kids, we were told that marks are all that matter and if you don’t score well, you won’t be able to survive in this cruel world. That, you will be considered dumb. That, you will have to live a mediocre life in the best possible scenario. And we were given examples of people next door who did not study and are struggling and suffering now. 

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