How to Get Highest Returns on Your Investment?

How to Get Highest Returns on Your Investment?

Are you one of them who spends hours on the internet searching for answers to this question? If yes, then this article is the destination of your journey. Here, you will know about the five best investment tools to get the highest returns on your investment, with the lowest possible risk. Before we begin, remember to invest cautiously as the primary principle of investing is to safeguard your invested capital. After all, what is the point of earning returns if your capital is not safe? Hmm?

Continue Reading about 3 years ago
Money Moves: New Financial Year, New Beginnings

Money Moves: New Financial Year, New Beginnings

All of you would agree that 2020 was the toughest and one of its kind. There was massive unemployment, pay cuts, shutting the business, and the troubles faced by migrant labourers. The stock market went wild. And all of this happened because a person ate a bat!

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2 biggest risk associated with Mutual funds!
Mutual Funds

2 biggest risk associated with Mutual funds!

Mutual funds Sahi hai! Does the statement hold true in reality as well? We, as a retail investor, mostly see the growth prospects, along with returns and risk. But in the process, we fail to understand that even a particular investment that is categorised as a low-risk investment is bound to have some drawbacks. As an investor, it is crucial you understand these risk factors and drawbacks before you put your money into them and not simply fall into the dilemma of 'super safe investments'. 

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Unicorns of 2021: The Indian Unicorn Mania

Unicorns of 2021: The Indian Unicorn Mania

With the worsening pandemic situation in the country currently, no one seems to expect any good news. But guess what? There is.

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Everything to know about Government Bonds

Everything to know about Government Bonds

Government bonds: Are they actually as boring as they sound, or a great deal to seal? A tradable security issued by the government is known as Government security or G-Sec. These could be in the form of treasury bills, having a short time maturity of less than a year, or government bonds, having a long term maturity of more than a year. 

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Perpetual Bonds: immortal, or is it?

Perpetual Bonds: immortal, or is it?

They say, “Immortality is a fate worse than death!” And what could illustrate the mishap better than the ‘immortal’ Perpetual Bonds? Well, we bet you won’t wanna miss its little-known story.

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All about Savings, Spending and Investing for Millennial

All about Savings, Spending and Investing for Millennial

Unless you've been living under a rock, you must know about the GameStop saga. Who do you think were the drivers of the entire story? The Wall Street giants? No. It all started with a group of individuals on a social media platform called Reddit!

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What is Marginal Cost?

What is Marginal Cost?

Do you know how a company decides the quantity of output it should produce? No? Well, the answer is marginal cost. In this article, let's understand what marginal cost is. And why is it essential for a company?

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The Best Stock Market Movies for Every Investor
Stock Market

The Best Stock Market Movies for Every Investor

Visuals have a longer-lasting impact than words. And if you think that you can learn about the stock market from books only, then you are wrong! The financial world has entered into the cinemas also and has become a hot topic in recent years.

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Pre open Market: Everything you need to know
Stock Market

Pre open Market: Everything you need to know

What’s your regular trading day like? “Visit your demat at 9:15 am and then..”, oh wait; you said ‘9:15’? What if we said you can actually place orders before that?

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Major Dividend Dates: Ex Dividend Date, Record Date
Stock Market

Major Dividend Dates: Ex Dividend Date, Record Date

There are some days in life when you can't help but smile. They drop in like a ray of hope in tough times. Like the month-end salary credit date, date of credit of interest on deposits and even the date of receipt of dividend. Hence, it's imperative for us to have an idea of these due dates.

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Interim Dividend Vs Final Dividend
Stock Market

Interim Dividend Vs Final Dividend

In the previous article, we discovered that a dividend is a reward for the shareholder for taking the risk to invest in the company. You also got to know about different ways to compute the dividend and its impact on financial statements and share prices. But there is more in the topic than you probably know because this isn’t something people frequently talk of in the markets.

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Barbeque Nation IPO - A Simplified Analysis

Barbeque Nation IPO - A Simplified Analysis

"Don't like this plate? Well, we have another for you." -- no, you won't hear this often unless you are in a buffet. We know a buffet excites you. But there is something to thrill you even more. Yes, your favourite buffet venue, Barbeque Nation's IPO, is opening for subscription on March 24, 2021.

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Best Financial Strategies for Personal Finance

Best Financial Strategies for Personal Finance

Did you know that the unemployment rate rose to a whopping 20% during Covid-19? This massive unemployment made migrants return to their villages. Also, the employed folks had a tough time managing their finances. Had they known about personal Finance, probably they could have sailed through the storm smoothly.

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Bitcoin Vs Mutual Funds: Where to invest?

Bitcoin Vs Mutual Funds: Where to invest?

We live in times when people have numerous investment avenues – avenues that present a strong wealth creation potential and generate greater returns than the traditional investment options.

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Orchid Pharma: The Script Hitting Upper Circuit!
Stock Market

Orchid Pharma: The Script Hitting Upper Circuit!

History repeats itself! And the share markets are the perfect place if you want to test the credibility of this statement. Having said that right now seems to be an ideal time. Why? 

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All About Foreign Exchange Market

All About Foreign Exchange Market

Forex, the acronym for foreign exchange, is a complex word with simple logic. You might have heard people use this acronym a lot and find it fascinating. After reading this blog, you can also be that cool guy in the group talking about Foreign exchange trading.

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Understanding Cost of Capital

Understanding Cost of Capital

It is the fundamental principle that "Higher the risk, higher the returns." That is from the view of investors. For a business, it is "Higher the risk higher is the cost." 

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