How to Start Investing in the stock market?

How to Start Investing in the stock market?

When I remember my earlier days in the stock market, I wonder at my helplessness. There was no one to handhold me, I was totally new to the investing world and I felt as lost as an alien on earth.

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Why investment in Retail & e-commerce is Risky?

Why investment in Retail & e-commerce is Risky?

There are certain characteristics that are common across all fundamentally good business, one such characteristic is “pricing power”.

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Should you invest in an IPO?

Should you invest in an IPO?

IPOs create a lot of excitement amongst investors. Business newspapers & T.V channels make it a point to tell you how "advisable" it is to subscribe to this new offering. So let's find out the hard facts behind these IPOs

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Philip Fisher

Philip Fisher's investing Checklist

Philip Fisher published his 15-point Checklist for selecting stocks in his renowned work “Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits”. Here the 15 points to help you in your Stock Selection

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Initiatives under the Digital India Scheme
Big Shots

Initiatives under the Digital India Scheme

The Digital India Scheme has been undertaken by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, as an initiative of the Government of India, with the vision to digitally empower the society and knowledge economy of India.

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What are Corporate Deposits?

What are Corporate Deposits?

Benjamin Franklin once said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

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What are the Essentials of a Business Plan?
Big Shots

What are the Essentials of a Business Plan?

Many people have unique ideas for starting up a business, but lack of finances does not allow them to start a business. So, the funds and the investors who are funding in your business play a very significant role. They are only going to invest in your business when they will see that they are going to get profit through this investment.

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