Sensex Fundamentals: Calculation, Significance, and Economic Role
Stock Market

Sensex Fundamentals: Calculation, Significance, and Economic Role

Plummeting market stocks, RPG Group Chairman Harshad Goenka shared a humorous video snippet on Twitter from the popular Kishore Kumar song - Yeh Lal Rang Kab Mujhe Chhodega - to lighten the mood of serious investors. It was a funny dig at the red-coloured charts of the stock market, which indicated revenue losses. 

Continue Reading about 1 years ago
What is Stock Trading? Important Strategies for 2023
Stock Market

What is Stock Trading? Important Strategies for 2023

I firmly believe in the saying, “Great things are done by a series of small things done together”. So, before we started looking for what stock trading is all about, we thought it might be worthwhile to sharpen our understanding of the words ‘stock’ and ‘trading’ individually. 

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Best IT Stocks in India 2023: Should You Invest?
Stock Market

Best IT Stocks in India 2023: Should You Invest?

You have worked hard to save your money. Now, you want to make your money work for you by investing in a solid, long-term investment. But where should you invest your money?

Continue Reading about 1 years ago
Artificial Intelligence Stocks in India: The Robot Uprising is Here!
Stock Market

Artificial Intelligence Stocks in India: The Robot Uprising is Here!

The early 1900s were the beginning of sci-fi movies, and we haven't looked back since. What began with the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz has shaped into Ultron from Avengers. Our obsession with technology and robotics has grown over time, and so have our expectations of it. How many of us start our day by using facial recognition to unlock our phones or asking Alexa the weather for the day? We are completely drowned in technology and ironically dependent on it to float as well. Simple daily acts, be it using navigation, clearing our Email spam folder or watching a movie based on Netflix recommendations, aren't possible without applying Artificial Intelligence. We've all heard people using the term "AI" to sound like they know what they're talking about- but what are they talking about? 

Continue Reading about 2 years ago
Premature Fixed Deposit Withdrawal: Penalty & How to avoid it
Your Money

Premature Fixed Deposit Withdrawal: Penalty & How to avoid it

72% of Indians don't have adequate emergency funds! Most people aren't ready to handle financial crunches, whether it is a medical emergency or sudden repair/maintenance. A go-to alternative to meet these emergencies is premature withdrawal from fixed deposits.

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What went right with Pranjal Kamra?
Big Shots

What went right with Pranjal Kamra?

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, in earnest. The Pranjal Kamra you see today is nowhere near the end of his journey, but he has taken many of these steps.

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The Paradox of Choice: Freedom is a Lie
Investor's Psychology

The Paradox of Choice: Freedom is a Lie

“We can’t know when we make a choice whether it will be successful. Success emerges from the quality of the decisions we make and the quantity of luck we receive. We can’t control luck. But we can control the way we make choices.”

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Forex Trading Industry: For Players of the Free Society

Forex Trading Industry: For Players of the Free Society

In the 2010 superhit movie Wall Street, Gordon Gekko said, "Money never sleeps," But did we really think it would turn out to be so true? We were all left in deep deliberation for sure.

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Self-Attribution Bias: Your Gateway to Narcissism
Investor's Psychology

Self-Attribution Bias: Your Gateway to Narcissism

A: Did you earn any profit from your latest investment?

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Double Bottom Pattern and Double Top Pattern: Know in Detail
Stock Market

Double Bottom Pattern and Double Top Pattern: Know in Detail

If you're reading this article, then you've definitely heard about the stock market. Many of you might have heard words such as scam, dangerous, or gamble used as synonyms for the stock market.

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Budgeting Apps to get you off your

Budgeting Apps to get you off your 'Ambani Fantasy'

Can you remember the average number of times you enter your UPI pin in a day? No, right? Thought so.  We know you know that this is a sham. You are anyway going to spend money like Ambani is your pappa and pays your credit card bill. 

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Story of Sachin Bansal: From Flipkart to Navi

Story of Sachin Bansal: From Flipkart to Navi's IPO

A luck so bad, if he built a cemetary, people would stop dying.

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Ways to Save Money while Buying a House

Ways to Save Money while Buying a House

If you don't love your Job, Take a Home Loan, You will start Loving it

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High ROE Stocks in India

High ROE Stocks in India

As investors with a long-term investment horizon, it becomes crucial to understand company fundamentals. Doing so ensures a good return when it comes to your investment. There tend to be many parameters one may use to assess the firm. One key measure is called return on equity, or simply ROE. It is always favourable from an investor’s point of view to choose stocks that provide them with a high ROE.

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Top 7 Textile stocks in India

Top 7 Textile stocks in India

The difference between your sewed finances and screwed finances is 1 cr.

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Top 5 things to learn from Robert Kiyosaki

Top 5 things to learn from Robert Kiyosaki

We don't know about your dad, but just in case you're not rich enough to buy the book, here's a quick rundown.

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Top 5 Passive Income Ideas in India

Top 5 Passive Income Ideas in India

Since you are all set to read about Passive Income, we are assuming that you do have an already well-managed source of active income. If not then make one!😛

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How much should you pay on your credit cards?

How much should you pay on your credit cards?

Had your fun flying high in the wings of credit-card-powered buying spree? Now let's land for once, it's time to pay up!

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