
22 Aug 2018  Read 2107 Views

Freelancing is working on contractual basis for various companies rather than working on a regular salary basis for one employee. They have the freedom to choose their assignments or projects and company they would like to be associated with.

Some common profession for freelancers is a writer, designer, performer, researcher, computer and IT, administration etc.


  1. Independent Freelancer- They do not have traditional or regular jobs. They take on work project by project.
  2. Moonlighters Freelancers- They have a regular full- time career, but they do some sort of freelancing to supplement their regular income.
  3. Diversified workers- These workers do part-time corporate work with part-time freelance contracts.
  4. Temporary workers- They are workers who have one full- time role, but their employment status is temporary. These temporary workers are hired when a big project is imminent.
  5. Freelance business owner- These are small business owners grew from the independent contractors or diversified/ varied workers category.


Here are some of the benefits for freelancing:

  1. Freelancing offers a lot of options and flexibility than a traditional job. You are your own in charge, to choose the type of assignment or work you do, to whom you want to collaborate, what time of the day and for how long you want to work, the location of work etc.
  2. A freelancer has a choice to control the workload, they can choose how much they want to invest themselves in the company.
  3. A freelancer can work from anywhere which is work from home, coffee shops etc.
  4. A freelancer can deduct all the added expenses on taxes i.e., parking fees, travel, and much more.


  1. Freelancing isn’t just a one-time project. There are many companies integrating freelancers into their core business strategies. Some freelance position is extended to six months.
  2. Freelancers have the opportunity to work from anywhere. Companies are hiring freelancers for their talent by escaping the geographically local economy.
  3. Freelancers have to work with several clients at a particular time and balancing each project at a time is difficult. Sometimes the relationship between clients would change and the freelancer has to face the rejection.
  4. Building a community of other freelancers will help to stay motivated and it will help to learn from each other’s success and missteps too.
  5. Always highlight your skills set, success story and why you are the best freelancer for the required job.
  6. It is essential for a freelancer to build a portfolio of their work because it will attract the clients to seal the deal.
  7. A freelancer can end the agreement, for instance, a freelancer is working for several clients at a time, then he/she can cut back on the number of clients; or if the client is violating the terms and conditions of the contract, then a freelancer can end the working relationship with that client.


  1. There is no job security and the income is also not guaranteed. So, the person should try to work for multiple clients instead of relying on one.
  2. Freelancers don’t enjoy the employer benefits. They are responsible for finding and paying off their own plans.
  3. The freelancers have to learn about accounting, billing, licensing and contract and these extra works can be tough when these are slammed during work hours with freelance projects.


  1. Choose your area of interest for example computer and IT, administrative, project management, research, writing etc.
  2. Then start research on the chosen field. Then built a portfolio and make a sample project of your work.
  3. Freelancing is about building networks. Reach out of your professional networks to give feedback on your sample projects.
  4. Next step is to ‘build your brand’ and update it on all social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.

Now the brand is ready, start looking out for jobs.

About the Author: Ratan Deep Singh | 7 Post(s)

Ratan is a Biotechnology graduate and a former print-media Journalist, who specialized in marketing to take up Brand Communication. He’s a grammar Nazi & big-time foodie who appreciates creativity and often tries his hand in creative poetic writing.

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