Overconfidence Bias: Are you as smart as you think?
Investor's Psychology

Overconfidence Bias: Are you as smart as you think?

Good character can often be undermined by overconfidence. For instance, most of the investors, mainly when they are new to the investment world, are very overconfident. Overdoing anything has consequences. Overestimating your appetite and ordering too much food leads to a lot of wastage of food. Over-sourcing, your dinner ruins the taste. 

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Confirmation Bias: How It Affects Your Investment Decisions
Investor's Psychology

Confirmation Bias: How It Affects Your Investment Decisions

Our minds are divided between an elephant and a rider. We often think that the rider controls the elephant, but we often forget that the rider is only a guide. 

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Computer Age Management Services (CAMS) IPO review

Computer Age Management Services (CAMS) IPO review

Opportunities knock only once. But have you witnessed a scenario where you are visited by them one after the other? The COVID-19 pandemic became a nightmare hitting all the sectors of the economy like a tsunami. The markets went really abrupt, with investors facing huge losses and stocks seeing a tremendous correction. In short, everyone was given a free ticket to a roller coaster ride having a series of ups and downs. But it did not stop with that. 

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Anchoring Bias and their effects on Investment Decisions
Investor's Psychology

Anchoring Bias and their effects on Investment Decisions

Do you know when Mahatma Gandhi was born? Let us suppose you don't have the year in your head, and your smartphone battery has just died. How would you find out? Perhaps you know that India got independence in 1947 and that he was assassinated the next year in 1948. And in all the pictures you have ever seen of him from that time, he looked pretty old. So let's assume that he was around 80 when he died—making 1888 our year of estimate when he was born. 

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What is Heuristics? How does Heuristics influence Decision Making ?
Investor's Psychology

What is Heuristics? How does Heuristics influence Decision Making ?

Have you ever thought about how you are so quick while making some decisions and take time while making some others?

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What is Behavioral Finance and how does it affect your Financial decisions?
Investor's Psychology

What is Behavioral Finance and how does it affect your Financial decisions?

After reading this blog's title, you might feel that "behaviour" and "finance" are two different things. How can they be interlinked in the same phrase?

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Master Class 15: How to Read the Quarterly Results?
Stock Market

Master Class 15: How to Read the Quarterly Results?

The earnings season is here. The news is filled with the quarterly results issued by various companies and their follow-up interviews. So what does it mean to you as an investor? Does it really matter? The answer would be "yes." It is extremely crucial to check the quarterly results of the company you are investing in. 

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Happiest Minds IPO: Everything you need to know!

Happiest Minds IPO: Everything you need to know!

Right from the start, this year made us feel like we are in the middle of a terrifying movie, particularly when it comes to the markets. And no one seems to come up with an answer as to when all this would reach the most awaited climax. Amidst all this, a few events still have managed to keep the market on the edge of its seats. One such event is the upcoming IPO of a tech company. The market is all set to see Happiest minds being added to the watchlist. 

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Master Class 9: How to analyze and value Banking Stocks - NIM and ROA
Stock Market

Master Class 9: How to analyze and value Banking Stocks - NIM and ROA

Last year was not a bed of roses for a lot of banks in the country, especially the public sector banks. A lot of banks had to go through a rough patch, which cost a lot to its depositors and investors. But does that mean all those banks are unsafe for investments? 

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Master class 2: Parameters of Fundamental Analysis of Stocks
Stock Market

Master class 2: Parameters of Fundamental Analysis of Stocks

Fundamental Analysis is the basic Analysis of a company's financial statements in order to evaluate its performance and financial health. It is important for an investor to understand the basics of the fundamental analysis of stocks of a company and know how to comprehend the figures reflected in the company's financial statements. The process of fundamental analysis of stocks can help in taking a well-calculated investment decision

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Master Class 1: Learn the Basics of Share Market
Stock Market

Master Class 1: Learn the Basics of Share Market

Do you recall being in school and creating an explosion in the chemistry lab by mixing the wrong elements? Or do you recall bashing your car against a wall, the first time you tried taking a reverse? Or burning the food in the kitchen because you didn't know how much cooking time was required? Life is full of events where accidents happen as a result of not knowing the basics of something. It is always important to understand how something functions before getting into it practically.

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What is Margin of Safety and its importance?
Stock Market

What is Margin of Safety and its importance?

I have encountered people who are extremely cautious and value safety above all. Being safe is so important to them that they sanitize their food before eating it. Unfortunately, it seems they don't invest. If they had, they would strictly follow the Margin of safety, unlike most investors. The Margin of safety is the concept where investors buy well below the intrinsic value of their stocks to avoid any loss. ok, now what about it? Learn more to figure out,

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Why should you follow a disciplined Investment strategy?

Why should you follow a disciplined Investment strategy?

While a whole day is taken to commemorate "friendship day", I think it's crucial we know who are the world-famous besties. You might come up with a lot of answers. But if you see financially, then you will be awestruck to find that discipline and money are two close pals, whom we mostly don't acknowledge. Without discipline, you will not be able to accomplish the investing or saving goals you have in your mind. However, mastering a disciplined investment strategy is not that easy. 

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Why should you stop timing the market?

Why should you stop timing the market?

Last time I checked, they said it is going to rain heavily. But I was actually simply carrying an umbrella as useless luggage the entire day. I am sure most of us would have been fooled by the weather forecast one way or another. But do you who got tricked more than us? They are the investors who tried to time the markets.

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What to do when the Stock Market is highly Volatile?

What to do when the Stock Market is highly Volatile?

A lot of us are fearful when it comes to watching a horror movie. But someone who has been operating in the share market will tell you that it is no better than a horror movie. Yes, markets can be fearful, particularly during times when it is witnessing a crash or during an economic turmoil or financial crisis, etc. But if you crack the code to operate under such a situation, there is no need to fear. Initially let's explore the meaning of market volatility, 

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What is Diversification and it

What is Diversification and it's Importance?

Have you tried answering all the questions in a test for which you never studied? Well, the probability is that you will get at least one right. That's the power of diversification. Be it your exams or stock markets; it will surely save you during times of crisis. Diversification is an act where investors make investments across different asset classes in such a way as to reduce risk and improve returns.

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What is Herd mentality?

What is Herd mentality?

Now I am a million-dollar rich. But I actually wrote a check for my entire bank account and gave it to my brother. All he did was reflect my action. Herd mentality is one such behavior, where the investors blindly follow the crowd and place their nets accordingly. In short, they are just the sheep of the market directed towards a huge fall. 

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What is Real Rate of Return?

What is Real Rate of Return?

Last night I woke up to see a huge shadow. I rolled under my bed in fear and closed my eyes tightly. With great courage, I opened my eyes only to realize that it was my silly sister trying to steal my makeup. The rate of return you receive from a particular asset can be deceiving. That is why investors calculate the real rate of return. It is the return that you acquire after providing for inflation and other expenses. 

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