what is Patent Assignment Deed and its Advantages

20 Aug 2018  Read 4153 Views

It’s an agreement between Assignor and Assignee which explains the rights and conditions related to patent assigned property which means intellectual property of Assignor who is holding monopoly power towards that property. Under Indian law, its mandatory to register Patent Assignment Deed under Section 68 of the Patents Act, 1970 which giving Assignee absolute rights from date of execution of deed.

Kind of assignment deed:

  • Legal assignment – in this Assignee may enter his name as patent owner.
  • Equitable assignment – in this certain share is given to another person. Equitable Assignee can’t enter his name as owner but can register as having interest in the patent.
  • Mortgage – in this patent right is partially or wholly transferred to obtain money. On repayment of money, mortgagor becomes entitle to register his name as owner.


A is the Assignor who got grant of patent for his invented product from Government of India willing to assign that to B’s company for loyalty in terms of share of 30% from every year earnings. And further it mentions the rights and duty of Assignor and Assignee under the legal agreement. This helps parties get relief in case of breach of contractual obligations.

Who is Assignor and Assignee?

Assignor is the person who is willing to transfer the title of patent and Assignee is the person who is willing to receive the title, interest and such other rights of patent from the Assignor by giving the required consideration.

What is the advantage of Patent Assignment Deed?

  • It helps parties to understand their rights and duties with respect to the said Patent.
  • Since all the provisions are written and mutually agreed upon by the parties it minimizes ambiguity. More so in case of any dispute arising between the parties it shall be resolved according to the dispute redressal clauses mentioned in the Deed.
  • Formation of assignment deed gives legality and enforceability to the transfer of any Intellectual Property.
  • An Assignment Deed is a prima facie evidence of contractual relationship between Assignor and Assignee.

What are general rights and duties of Assignor and Assignee under this deed?

  • Assignor need an absolute title against the patented goods for transferring such rights to Assignee.
  • Deed need to comply with all the essentials of contract in order to execute legally. If it violates public policy or does not have a lawful consideration, then such contract is void ab initio.
  • Assignor can transfer his intellectual rights fully or conditionally to Assignee for the consideration. Consideration could be of monetary value forming a large sum or shared percentage from income or stocks exchange of the concerned parties.
  • Assignee will get the monopoly right as Assignor assigns the patented goods. Henceforth, the Assignee steps into the shoes of the Assignor and by the virtue of the deed acquires an absolute right to use and enjoy the patented goods.
  • Assignee has the right to get indemnified against any intervention/inconvenience caused while he is exercising his rights.
  • Assignee can sue for damages caused to him by Assignor’s action, it maybe mistakes or voluntary negligence/disturbance or fraudulent activity in the deed.
  • Assignee is obligated to pay the consideration mentioned if he fails to do so within a stipulated period of time. Assignor can bring a legal action for the recovery of consideration but cannot terminate the title already transferred.
  • Assignee shall pay renewal and such other charges after the assignment. Prior to the assignment the Assignor needs to ensure that the title is free from any encumbrances.

Can the Assignment Deed be Terminated/Amended?

  • This amendment mostly happens in equitable assignment deed. The deed must be registered before the Controller of Patent and in case of infringement or mutual consciousness the parties may mutually agree to amend any provision of the deed.
  • Termination of the deed is unlikely as it’s irrevocable and permanent in nature. As assignment being transfer of title in a patent which is permanent. It may be terminated in case of mortgage assignment deed.
About the Author: Akshay Mankar | 34 Post(s)

Akshay is a Language Enthusiast & an HNLU alumnus. He believes in simplicity & takes legal literacy very close to his heart.

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