AIBE 2021- Exam Analysis & Other Details

1 Nov 2021  Read 7921 Views

All India Bar Examination is an open-book exam that is conducted so that qualified law graduates can become advocates in India and practice the noble profession. Without clearing AIBE, a law graduate cannot practise in the Indian Courts. It is generally said that the All India Bar Examination is not a hard nut to crack and candidates who follow the syllabus and carry the right bare acts in the examination can clearly do so. 

In this article we will be discussing some important points regarding AIBE & also we will be analysing the AIBE (XVI) 2021 Paper.

AIBE XVI 2021 Exam Pattern

AIBE XVI was conducted on 31st October 2021 in an Offline Mode. The apex law body in India which is Bar Council conducts AIBE twice a year. There are certain criterias to be fulfilled by the students in order to be eligible for the examination.

Once a law graduate clears AIBE he can appear in any court and fight a case. There are many other such benefits of Bar Council Registration which you can check out youtube video here!


Pattern Change

Before AIBE 2021 candidates were allowed to carry books and bare acts to the examination hall but this year there was a change in pattern and students were only allowed to carry bare acts with notes and comments.  This was done to increase the difficulty level of the examination and judge the analytical skills of the students as to how well they know the basic concepts of law.

In the AIBE questions are given from various subjects of law and the Bar Council of India has specified few areas from which questions are to be asked compulsorily e.g. Constitutional Law, Indian Penal Code, Civil Procedure Code, Criminal Procedure Code etc

Passing Marks for the Examination

  • A general category & an OBC candidate would need a minimum of 40 (out of 100) to clear the exam.

  • If any candidate suffers with disability (declared by appropriate authority) then he/she would need 5% less than the general category candidate.

  • The minimum marks differ for a candidate who is an ST/SC- minimum marks 35% for them.

AIBE 2021 Paper Analysis

AIBE (XVI) 2021 was conducted on 31st October 2021. The difficulty level of the examination was moderate. Many questions were asking particular sections and articles. Since people carried only bare acts this time, looking for provisions was not that hectic. 

Some questions asked were also confusing which took a lot of time.

In AIBE 2021 questions were asked from the following areas

The Answer Key for AIBE (XVI) 2021 has been released you can check it out here!

When will the Results be Announced?

The Bar Council of India will release the result of AIBE (XVI) 2021 in their website It usually takes 30-45 days for the results to come out on the official website. So one can expect the results to be announced in the month of December this year.

In case any candidate is not satisfied with their result, he/she can apply for rechecking also. Only qualifying status is provided by the BCI and total marks are not shown. Qualified candidates will be issued a Certificate of Practice within a few weeks of declaration of results.

Things to keep in mind for AIBE 2022

  1. Go through the syllabus properly. Take with you only the bare acts which are required. Don’t carry unnecessary bare acts.

  2. Don’t think of it as an easy examination. Since you’re now not allowed to carry books other than bare act, attempting the paper without proper study could lead to undesirable results

  3. As per previous year paper analysis, a few questions were asked from controversial law cases and landmark cases. Therefore, candidates appearing for the exam should keep important details of all such cases. 

  4. Have an understanding of how to read provisions from a bare act which will save your time in the examination.


Overall the AIBE 2021 paper was not that difficult although some questions were confusing and took some time to attempt. Candidates carrying the right bare act find it easy to attempt the paper. Since it is an open book(rather open bare act) examination,  it should not be that hectic for candidates to appear for the examination. 

You can let us know in the comments in case you have any questions related to the All India Bar Examination!

About the Author: Shikha Rohra | 18 Post(s)

Shikha is a graduate from HNLU, Raipur and has an interest in content writing. She is an ambivert with a sarcastic sense of humor and her favorite guilty pleasure is over-using social media.

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