Top 10 Government Exams 2023

15 Apr 2023  Read 8660 Views

Job stability, post-retirement benefits, fixed pay structure, limited working hours, and timely increments are the benefits of a government job. So, many people aspire to work in the government sector. However, getting one is very difficult & challenging, therefore clearing these exams requires a lot of hard work, & considered to be a great achievement. Out of many government exams, we have wrapped up the top 10 government exams in India exclusively for you, comprising each & every detail.

Government exams in India 

  1. UPSC CSE Exam

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts various government exams in India for recruitment to various civil services and posts in the Centre. 

Government Exams List conducted by UPSC:

  1. Civil Services Examination (CSE)

  2. Indian Forest Service Examination (IFSE)

  3. Engineering Services Examination (ESE)

  4. National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination (NDA & NA)

  5. Combined Medical Services Examination (CMS)

  6. Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist Examination

  7. Indian Economic Service Examination (IES)

  8. Indian Statistical Service Examination (ISS)

  9. Central Armed Police Forces Examination (CAPF)

The Civil Services Examination (CSE) is the most popular and prestigious exam conducted by UPSC. It includes various services like the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS), and many others conducted once a year with candidates appearing in millions, but only a few getting selected. The CSE is a three-stage examination, which comprises:

  1. Preliminary examination

  2. Main examination

  3. Interview/Personality Test


Bachelor’s degree

Age criteria

21 years minimum


6 for General category till 32 

9 for OBC till 35 

Unlimited for schedule category till 37


Administrative,Civil Servant,Bureaucrat


Three- Prelims, Mains, Interview

Prelims (Paper I and II)

100 MCQ ques, 200 marks, negative marking 0.33


Descriptive, 9 papers, 1750 marks

Conducted by

UPSC in May 


1,20,000 to 2.5 lakh per month



The UPSC CDS Exam stands for the Combined Defence Services Examination. Which is conducted twice every year for candidates who wish to establish their career in the Indian Air Force, Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy and Officer’s Training Academy. 

List of Training centers: 

  • Indian Military Academy (IMA)

  • Indian Naval Academy (INA)

  • Air Force Academy (AFA) 

  • Officers Training Academy (OTA)

The selection process is such that the candidates qualifying for the written test are called for an interview round and a medical examination for final selection.


Graduation or appearing for finals

Age criteria

21- 24 years for diff levels


For training or commissioned officers in Indian Army, Navy, Airforce 


Written-test, SSB Interview, Medical examination

Written test

300 MCQ /300 marks,0.33 negative

For Officer training
200 MCQ for 200 marks


English, General Knowledge, and Elementary Mathematics

Conducted by

UPSC -twice a year, February and September 


Initial stipend Rs. 56,100



The Union Public Service Commission conducts the UPSC CAPF AC Exam for recruitment in the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF). Interested students must research the syllabus and exam pattern before attempting the exam. 

There is speculation about the selection process of this exam 2023 which will be two written exams. This recruitment drive is being carried out for the posts of Border Security Force (BSF), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), National Security Guard (NSG), and Assam Rifles(AR).


Bachelors in any stream

Age criteria

20-25 years


For recruitment in CAPF forces -BSF, ITBP, CRPF, CISF, SSB, NSG, AR 



Paper-I: objective type
Paper-II: descriptive, based on general studies, essays, and comprehension.

Physical Efficiency and Medical Standard Test.

Stage III

Interview/Personality test (150 marks)

Stage I

125 MCQ, 2 hrs

Stage II

3 hrs
Paper I (200 ques, 250 m)
MCQs on general ability and intelligence having four alternatives.

Paper II (200m)
Descriptive- on General Studies, Essay and Comprehension.

Conducted by

UPSC in August




In hand Rs.44,135 and total Rs 51,480


4. IBPS PO Exam and SBI PO

IBPS PO 2023 exam is conducted yearly by the Institute of Banking Personnel (IBPS). IBPS is a recruitment body which conducts exams to recruit young graduates in public sector banks in India. The Probationary Officer recruited under this exam will be assigned tasks related to customer services, customer complaints, supervising the clerical work, loan process, etc. in India.

IBPS PO 2023 is a 3 stage examination process which involves prelims, mains, and interviews. The final selection relies on marks obtained in the mains & interview round. Whereas;

Every year, State Bank of India (SBI) organizes the SBI PO examination to hire for the position of probationary officer. It is only held for SBI, contrary IBPS PO. One of the most desirable banking exams in India is the SBI PO. Qualified applicants are placed in different bank branches as Probationary Officers.

SBI PO exam comprises three phases:

  • Prelims, 

  • Mains, and

  • Psychometric Test, Interview & Group Exercises. 

Each year, almost 10 lakh applicants apply to appear for the SBI PO exam. Several candidates chase to enroll for the numerous exams held by the bank because SBI is a distinguished organization that provides its employees with generous salaries and job stability. SBI PO final result 2023 is anticipated to be released by State Bank of India (SBI) in April 2023. On its official website,, SBI PO notification 2023 for the hiring of Probationary Officers was made available to the public. The SBI PO 2023 exam will be used to fill the 1673 Probationary Officer positions that have been announced.







Age criteria

20-30 years

21-30 years


Probationary Officer in public, pvt banks



Prelims- objective




Stage I

100 Q/100 marks, 60 minutes, 0.25 negative

  • English

  • Quantitative

  • Reasoning


Stage II

3 hrs, 155 Q/200 marks

  • Reasoning & Computer Aptitude

  • English Language

  • Data Analysis & Interpretation

  • General Economy & Banking Awareness



English Language(Letter writing & Essay)


Conducted by

IBPS in August 2023 (tentative)

SBI in August 2023 (tentative)


Average salary Rs  45,000 per month

Average salary Rs  45,000 per month


5. SSC CGL Exam

Staff Selection Commission

The SSC CGL examination is held by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC). The SSC Combined Graduate Level (CGL) exam is conducted for a number of SSC CGL positions. To hire candidates for positions inside the Government of India's many organizations, departments, and offices, the Staff Selection Commission holds the SSC CGL examination. It is a national-level exam used in order to fill Group B and Group C positions in government agencies.

SSC CGL Job Profile


SSC CGL Post-Wise Job Description

Assistant Audit Officer

Needs to assist audits in government/public sector organisations. Also needs to travel during an inspection.

Assistant Accounts Officer

Work includes data entry, processing, and recording transactions. Assisting with audits or fact-checking

Assistant Section Officer

It is a desk job and the lowest post in the Central Secretariat Services 


Different clerical responsibilities in different departments. Compiling files, reports, keeping track of ongoing cases, etc.

Inspector of Income Tax

Assessing Income Tax payable by people or companies. Managing TDS and refund claim

Inspector (Central Excise)

Checking if there is any kind of invasion of excise duty, preventing smuggling & assisting raid teams

Assistant Enforcement Officer

Preventing forgery and money laundering

Sub Inspector

Main responsibility is to gather information and make enquiry and investigations


Illegal manufacture and transport of opium

Junior Statistical Officer

Assisting the Statistical Officer in drafting documents, data entry and tabulation

Statistical Investigator Grade-II

Drafting Documents, preparing survey reports, editing and compiling existing data


Audit expense details of the State Departments

Accountant/ Junior Accountant

Passing of various bills, salary allowances, office expenses, pension-related issues

Senior Secretariat Assistant/ Upper Division Clerks 

Clerical level post. Requires employee to maintain files & data entry

Tax Assistant

Access, modify and verify tax of individual or business

Upper Division Clerks

Maintain files, financial documents and accounts





Classification of Post

Assistant Audit Officer

Indian Audit & Accounts Department under C&AG

Group “B” Gazetted (Non-Ministerial)

Assistant Accounts Officer

Indian Audit & Accounts Department under C&AG

Group “B” Gazetted (Non-Ministerial)

Assistant Section Officer

Central Secretariat Service, Intelligence Bureau, Ministry of Railway, Ministry of External Affairs, AFHQ

Group “B” 


Other Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations 

Group “B” 

Inspector of Income Tax


Group “C” 

Inspector (Central Excise)


Group “B”

Assistant Enforcement Officer

Directorate of Enforcement, Department of Revenue

Group “B”

Sub Inspector

Central Bureau of Investigation

Group “B” 


Central Bureau of Narcotics

Group “B”

Junior Statistical Officer

M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation

Group “B”

Statistical Investigator Grade-II

Registrar General of India

Group “B”


Offices under C&AG, CGDA

Group “C” 

Accountant/ Junior Accountant

Other Ministry/ Departments

Group “C”

Senior Secretariat Assistant/ Upper Division Clerks 

Central Govt. Offices/ Ministries other than CSCS cadres

Group “C” 

Tax Assistant


Group “C”

Upper Division Clerks

Government Departments

Group “C”




Age criteria

18-32 years


  • Inspector of Income Tax

  • Inspector (Central Excise)

  • Inspector (Preventive Officer)

  • Inspector (Examiner)

  • Assistant Section Officer

  • Statistical Investigator Gr. II


Tier I (Qualifying)

Tier II (scoring)

Paper 1,2,3 

Paper 1-compulsory for all posts

Paper 2-for those who apply for posts of Junior Statistical Officer 

Paper 3-for posts of Assistant Audit Officer/Assistant Accounts Officer

Tier I

100 MCQ/ 200 marks/ 60 minutes/ negative 0.5 marks

  1. General Intelligence & Reasoning

  2. General Awareness

  3. Quantitative Aptitude

  4. English Comprehension

Conducted by

SSC in May 2023 (tentative)


Varies from Rs. 25,500 and 1,51,000 


6. RBI Grade B Exam

Many students in India have the aspiration of becoming RBI Grade B officers, and because you have come to this website to read the blog, I assume you share their dream. The RBI Grade B 2023 exam can be extremely stressful. Every year, almost 2 lakh people enroll. If it scares you, the journey is worthwhile, as the saying goes. Akin to this, the challenges of the RBI Grade B 2023 will be worthwhile once you carefully consider every component and apply for it. One of the most important banking tests offered nationwide is the RBI Grade B.

An excellent approach to join the esteemed RBI is to take the Grade B officer recruitment exam, which is the sole exam the organization offers for entry-level officials. Each year, countless applicants undertake these tests.

Consequently, the RBI Grade B exams are among the nation's most difficult and competitive government job admission exams. Thus, the applicant would need to put in a lot of effort and be persistent and dedicated to pass the exam. The exam is essentially divided into 3 Phases.

The first two phases are written exams, whereas the third phase comprises a personal interview round.


Graduate with 60% aggregate

Age criteria

21-30 years


Grade B (General) – DR, DEPR, and DSIM in the Common Seniority Group (CSG)





Stage I

200 MCQ/200 marks, 120 minutes, 1/4th negative

  • General Awareness

  • English

  • Reasoning

  • Quantitative Aptitude

Stage II


  • Paper 1 – Economics and Social Science

  • Paper 3 – Finance and Management


  • Paper 2 – English (Writing Skills)



Conducted by

RBISB in May 2023 (tentative)


Basic Pay- Rs.55,200

Gross- Rs. 1,08,404

7. RRB JE and RRB SSE 

To discover applicants for various positions in Indian Railways divisions and offices, the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) administers a variety of recruiting exams. The RRB hires candidates for a variety of positions, including Senior Section Engineer (SSE) and Junior Engineer (JE). 

Supervisors in the Indian Railways' Civil Engineering Department are designated as Senior Section Engineers. Across their specified track area, they are in charge of repairs and maintenance. A small number of Junior Engineers will be assigned to be working for an SSE.

Candidates applying to the RRB SSE exam should be between the ages of 20 and 34 with a 4 years Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering/ Mechanical/ Electrical/ Electronics/ Manufacturing/ Mechatronics/ Industrial/ Machining/ Instrumentation & Control/ Tools & Machining/ Tools & Die making/ Automobile/ Production Engineering/ M.Sc. Electronics/ Instrumentation & Control Engineering from a recognized University or Institute. 

To be eligible for the RRB JE exam the candidate should be between the ages of 18 to 33. The candidate should have one of the following educational qualifications to be eligible for the exam.

  • Three years Diploma in Civil Engineering/ Mechanical/ Electrical/ Electronics/ Manufacturing/ Mechatronics/ Industrial/ Machining/ Instrumentation & Control/ Tools & Machining/ Tools & Die Making/ Automobile/ Production Engineering.

  • B.Sc. in Civil Engineering of three years’ duration.

  • A combination of any substream of basic streams of Civil Engineering from a recognized University/ Institute





Bachelors in Engineering or Diploma in engineering

Bachelors in Engineering

Age criteria

18-33 years

20-34 years


Junior Engineer

  • Senior Section Engineer

  • Junior Engineer

  • Depot Material Superintendent

  • Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant

Senior Sectional Engineer


Four stages
(1) CBT (Computer Based Test) 

(2) CBT (Stage II) 

(3) Document Verification

(4) Medical Examination


Conducted by

Railway Recruitment Board in May 2023 (tentative)



Basic Pay

Rs 13,500

Total around 35,000

Basic pay

Rs 44,900

Gross pay Rs 63,000-80,000



8. NABARD Grade A exam

For the positions of Assistant Manager (Grade A Officer) and Manager (Grade B Officer), respectively, NABARD Grade A & Grade B examinations are held. As was already noted, a Grade A officer has a great deal of accountability, and the Grade A post is one of the most renowned in the nation.

Since the Grade B post is a step senior to that of a Grade A post, the responsibilities are also greater. The Government of India (GOI) has realized from the very beginning of planning how crucial institutional credit is in developing the rural economy.

The RBI at the insistence of the GOI constituted a committee to Review the Arrangements for Institutional Credit for Agriculture and Rural Development (CRAFICARD). The Committee was formed on 30 March 1979, under the Chairmanship of Shri B. Sivaraman. The recommendation of the Committee led to the formation of NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development) on 12 July 1982 (under Act 61 of 1981).

The NABARD Grade A exam is conducted in 3 phases – 

  • Prelims (Phase 1),

  • Mains (Phase 2) & 

  • Interview (Phase 3).



Age criteria

21-30 years


Assistant Manager -R&SS, RDBS, Rajbhasha Adhikari and legal


  • Prelims

  • Mains

  • Interview

Stage I

200 MCQ

  • General Awareness

  • English

  • Reasoning

  • Quantitative Aptitude

Stage II

  • Paper 1 - General English ( descriptive )

  • Paper 2 - General Post-Economic and Social issues and Agriculture and Rural Development (MCQ)

Conducted by

NABARD in Sept 2023


Basic pay of ₹44,500/-p.m

Gross salary Rs 70,000



Life Insurance Corporation of India is considered as one of the biggest insurance providers in India. One of the most anticipated job openings in the banking and insurance industries is the LIC recruiting. The Prelims, Mains, and Interview phases of the LIC AAO selection process are separated by an additional Pre-recruitment Medical Examination. 

To be eligible for the Mains, candidates must pass the Preliminaries. If they are selected for further consideration, they may also be required to do a personality assessment or interview.


Graduate with aggregate 55%

Age criteria



Assistance Administrative Officer

  1. AAO (CA)

  2. AAO (Actuarial)

  3. AAO (Legal)

  4. AAO (Rajbhasha)

  5. AAO (IT)

  6. AAO (Generalist)


  • Prelims

  • Mains

  • Interview

Stage I

100 Q/60 minutes

  • Reasoning Ability

  • Quantitative Aptitude

  • English LAnguage

Stage II

  • Current Affairs, GK

  • Financial market perceptions

  • Professional Skills

  • Reasoning

  • English

Conducted by



The basic salary Rs. 32,795 

In hand Rs. 80,870. 


10. SEBI Grade A officer

By establishing rules and standards, SEBI (Security Board of India) keeps an eye on the securities market and makes sure to protect the interests of investors. The Ministry of Finance is responsible for overseeing the Securities and Exchange Board of India. It was founded in 1992 and has its headquarters in Mumbai.

An All India Test called the SEBI Grade A is used to employ competent candidates as Assistant Managers at SEBI. You will be regulating the stock market with your policies while working on its rules. This assessment is the starting step for SEBI hiring, and it's a fantastic chance to become part of such a prominent corporation.


Graduate with aggregate 55%

Age criteria

21-31 years


Assistance Administrative Officer


  • Prelims

  • Mains

  • Interview

Stage I

Paper 1 and Paper 2 MCQ based

Stage II

Paper 1- English descriptive

Paper 2- General stream

Conducted by



Gross salary of ₹1,40,500 per month 


About the Author: Kakoli Nath | 275 Post(s)

She is a Legal Content Manager (Also a Patent Analyst) at Finology Legal! With Masters in Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) & Corporate Law (Pursuing). Her field of expertise is in IPR, Corporate Law and Criminal laws.

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