Jyotiba Phule: Biography, Contribution & Unknown facts

11 Apr 2023  Read 13146 Views

The social reformers like Mahatma Gandhi and B.R. Ambedkar were always concerned about the upliftment of the oppressed sections of society or ‘Dalits’ who are usually exploited due to the prevailing caste system in India. But who was the first visionary to understand the condition of these vulnerable classes?

It was Jyotiba Govindrao Phule, a social activist and progressive thinker, who contributed significantly to advocate for the rights of untouchables and women. He was vehemently opposed to caste system and the practice of untouchability.

On this auspicious day of his birth anniversary as an honor to his legacy, the present article highlights the life story and contributions of Jyotiba Govindrao Phule. 

Who was Jyotiba Phule/ Jyotirao Phule?

  • Jyotiba Phule was born on 11 April 1827 that is observed as Jyotirao Phule Jayanti in India to honor and recall his relentless struggle for cause of social justice. He was raised up in a dalit family of gardeners in Poona. He initially studied in the Marathi School but his father recognized his talent and sent him to Scottish Mission High School at Poona. 
  • At the age of 13 years, he was married to Savitribai Phule. Both he and his wife Savitribai Phule were pioneers of women education in India. They recognized the significance of women education as a tool to bring reforms in societal functioning and thus worked together to make education accessible to all.
  • Jyotiba firstly imparted education to his wife and then both of them started the first indigenously-run school for girl child in Poona. He was way ahead of his time when he realized that patriarchy denied women access to education. In 1850, the couple joined hands to establish a trust called ‘Native Femal School’ in Poona. Further, in 181 three schools were established to motivate women towards path of education.                                      
  • However, he faced a life changing moment in the year 1848, when he attended a marriage of his upper caste friend wherein he was insulted and abused for his dalit origin. He faced the evil pattern of casteism and made up his mind that he will challenge the prevailing caste system in India. 

At this juncture, he was really persuaded by the literature work of Thomas Paine "Rights of Man" and comprehended that social justice could only be possible with the emancipation of women and oppressed sections of the society. Additionally, the American Revolution inspired his ideology and taught him ways to do away with system of slavery.

Establishment of Satya Shodhak Samaj 

On 24th September 1873, Phule formed the Satya Shodhak Samaj (Society of Seekers of Truth). He undertook a systematic deconstruction of existing disbeliefs and history, only to reconstruct an equality promoting version. 

The purpose was to decontaminate the society from caste discrimination and liberate the oppressed lower-caste people from the stigmas inflicted by the Brahmins. It was developed by Jyotirao to battle against the society's arbitrary, irrational brahminical position and unjustifiable class structure. Through this samaj, he fought for and opposed adultery and denounced the caste system. This samaj emphasized on human well-being, happiness, unity, equality and easy religious practices. He used the newspaper ‘Deenbandhu’ to express his ideas. 

What were the significant contributions of Jyotiba?

Throughout his life, he wrote extensively on the social issues prevalent in Indian society and recommended various solutions to reform Indian society. Based on exploitation done by Brahmin priests, in 1869 he wrote ‘Brahmanache Kasab’. Later on, his most celebrated work ‘Gulamgiri’ was based on the historical survey of slavery of lower caste in India published in 1873.  

  • Furthermore, in the year 1889 he conceptualized his religious understanding into ‘Sarvajanik Satyadharma Pustak’, a book of true religion for all, in which he expressed his deep concerns about Shudras and Ati-Shudras because of historical experience of exploitation.  
  • Apart from setting up Satya Shodhak Samaj, he developed a Infanticide Prevention Centre for young and child widows and promoted the idea of widow remarriage. In the year 1876, Phule was appointed as a member of Poona municipality.
  • Moreover, at an education commission hearing in 1884, Phule aided in providing education for lower castes and to implement it, he advocated making primary education mandatory in villages. For his persistent struggle, in the year 1888 he was honored with title “Mahatma” by another social reformer Vithalrao Krishna Ji Vandekar. 
  • Unfortunately, we know a lot about his life and very less about the circumstances of his death. He died on 28th November, 1890. However, he lives on his legacy and is considered immortal because of his writing and ideology which still inspires other to work for the betterment of the society.
  • He was a man of thought and actions, as his political and social philosophy revolves around humanity, equality, and social justice. Various other social reformers preach him. He has inspired the father of Indian Constitution, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar who consequently reflected and embedded his ideology in our Constitution. 


  1. Who coined the term ‘dalit’ and what does it means? 

Answer - Jyotiba Govindrao Phule coined the term dalit which means “downtrodden and crushed”

  1. Who was the founder of Satya Shodhak Samaj ? 

Answer - Jyotiba Phule established Satya Shodhak Samaj through which he advocated for the rights of Shudra, Dalit and women. 

  1. Who honored Jyotiba with title ‘Mahatma’ ? 

Answer - Jyotiba was honored with title “Mahatma” by another social reformer Vithalrao Krishna Ji Vandekar for his struggle and reforms in Indian society. 

  1. Did Dr. B.R. Ambedkar followed the ideology of Jyotiba ? 

Answer – Yes. Father of Indian Constitution preached and followed the ideology of Jyotiba and these were enshrined in our Indian Constitution

About the Author: Muskan Krishnani | 7 Post(s)

Muskan Krishnani, a law student keenly interested in Corporate Law and Dispute Resolution. She is still exploring different areas of law. Currently, she is interning at Finology Legal to enhance her drafting and communication skills.

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