5 Things you must know about CLAT PG 2021

27 Jul 2021  Read 7030 Views

After a long wait and delay due to the present scenario, CLAT PG 2021 was ultimately conducted offline on 23rd July 2021. More than 10,000 students appeared for CLAT PG Programme. Analysis of the examination is as important as the exam itself.

In this article, we have focused on proper analysis of CLAT PG 2021 Question Paper under five heads. We have discussed the subject areas, difficulty level of the paper, cut- offs, criticisms and many more. 

1. Subject area

The paper came as a complete shock with maximum number of questions hitting the question paper was from the Code of Criminal Procedure after Indian Constitution. Usually, CLAT aspirants presumed that the questions mostly come from Indian Penal Code when it comes to criminal law, which was unpredictable. Around 35 questions came from Constitutional Law that is undoubtedly the most important subject of CLAT PG Exams with a maximum weightage of 60 marks. There were 20 passages in total based on law subjects and few of which were a combination of Constitutional and Environmental Law or Constitution and International Human Rights Law.


Number of Questions


Constitutional Law



Other Subjects like Contract, Torts, Criminal Law, International Law, IPR and Jurisprudence







2. Difficulty level

After due analysis of the paper, the level of the paper was found to be moderate and easy. It was pretty evident from the paper that there were lesser number of questions based on cases, the questions were mostly conceptual, trying to test the legal insight of the CLAT aspirants. The difficulty level of the paper was from easy to moderate. Last year, in CLAT 2020 most of the questions were based on recent judgments with only few conceptual questions but this time, CLAT Consortium changed its strategy and worked on incorporating a greater number of conceptual and topic-based questions.

3. Paper Analysis

Generally, the maximum weightage given to subjects of CLAT PG is Constitution and Jurisprudence, this year maximum questions did come from Constitution but it’s not the case with jurisprudence. 


Subject Area

Number of Passages

  1. 35 

Constitutional Law




  1. 12 

Law of Contract


  1. 12 

Family Law


  1. 30 

Criminal Law


Company Law


  1. 12 

Public International Law


Environmental Law






4. Expected Cut-offs 

The exact cut off details can probably be figured out by the end of August or in the commencement of September. Although an estimated cut-off for CLAT PG 2021 for the top 3 NLU’s is around 90. The expected cut off for the top 10 NLU’s is 80+ whereas, for the rest of the NLU’s, the cut off expected is 73+. Last year in 2020, 

To calculate the cut-off, admission officials will focus on these pointers:

  1. Number of candidates appearing in the CLAT 2021 entrance exam

  2. How many of these candidates have applied for admission?

  3. The seat intake for the 5-year LLB / LLM program

  4. CLAT 2021 merit rank of these candidates

  5. Category of aspirants (General, SC, ST etc.)

       6. Previous year’s cut-off lists.

5. Criticism

A provisional answer key for CLAT PG 2021 has been released. After the release, aspirants tallied their ticked answers with the respective correct answer. The answer key has been released in the CLAT Consortium’s website. With this release, the window for raising objections against such answer key is also out. And as a sign of disappointment shown by CLAT aspirants, criticism arose with respect to a decision made by the Consortium to charge Rs. 1000/- for raising any objection. 

Last year in CLAT PG 2020, few disputes arose with respect to the answer key in which one of the questions were pointed out where two options of the said question were correct which raised discrepancies. There have been many instances of errors in the answer key in previous years.

If you are a CLAT PG 2022 Aspirant, you can check out this article on How to Prepare for CLAT PG.

About the Author: Kakoli Nath | 275 Post(s)

She is a Legal Content Manager (Also a Patent Analyst) at Finology Legal! With Masters in Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) & Corporate Law (Pursuing). Her field of expertise is in IPR, Corporate Law and Criminal laws.

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